
Student-Athlete of the Week: Cazenovia’s Jack Donlin

CAZENOVIA, N.Y. (WSYR) — Baseball has been a part of Jack Donlin’s life since he could walk.

“As long as I can remember, I used to go to my mom’s alumni games or just go to see Ithaca games and I would put ball on a tee, and I would just take reps with a whiffle ball bat into the fence while they were warming up and stuff,” Donlin said.

Both of Jack’s parents played collegiately. His mom was an All-American softball pitcher at Ithaca and his dad played baseball at Colgate.

“Having someone like that who has been there before to constructively get me through things, maybe not screaming at me,” Donlin said. “I know she’s been there before. I know my dad’s been there before. I know they know better than me.”

During his four years at Cazenovia, Jack has almost 300 strikeouts and nine home runs, but the impact he hopes to leave is off the field

“I like to try to be someone to look up to for the younger kids. And that kind of keeps me in check. I put myself in the point of view as a younger kid and like, would I be someone they would want to look up to?” said Donlin.

“I call him the face of Cazenovia,” said Cazenovia head coach Tim Mascari. “Because he’s the three sport athlete. But not only that, the student body president. And then he’s always doing stuff within the community, giving back to the Little League. And Jack’s the first one there, always volunteering his time, giving back to baseball.”

And despite his long list of accomplishments and impressive resume, Jack always finds a way to direct the spotlight to his teammates

“Isaac Gilbert has came in and done a great job on the mound for us, and Tavin Riley has stepped up at the plate. He has three home runs,” Donlin said.

Congratulations, Jack! You are the Byrne Dairy and Deli NewsChannel 9 Student-Athlete of the Week.

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