Town of Clay public hearing over concrete batch plant turns chaotic

CLAY, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — For what was an important night for Goguen Realty, turned to disaster after representatives seemed unprepared and couldn’t answer basic questions about their proposed concrete batch plant.
“How big is the building going to be?” asked councilor Eugene Young.
“We’re working through that,” answered one of Goguen’s representatives.
“You’re asking for a special permit and don’t know how big the building is going to be?” Young chimed back.
The problems didn’t stop there. The community is worried about pollution and traffic. When it came to those topics — plant representatives owned up — saying their studies aren’t finished.
Neighbors weren’t buying that.
“You had everything laid out. You said it. A month we’ve been dong this,” screamed one audience member. “Where’s the data? Dodge and divert, that’s what you’ve been doing.”
Yelling from the crowd got so out of hand the board had to reprimand them.
“This is going to affect their children’s lives, that’s what this is about,” yelled out the same audience member.
“Sir, you don’t have the floor. There is a procedure and I ask you to follow it,” answered back town Supervisor Damian Ulatowski. “This is the third or fourth time you’ve done this. All of you will have an opportunity to ask questions.”
Neighbors say they want the concrete batch plant to be built somewhere else, not near their homes or parks.
“That’s not a location it be built. But it be built in some outlying area where there is a big safety buffer and business can still take place,” said Clay resident, Kara Green.
The town board along with Goguen Realty saying they would answer any questions from Monday’s meeting down the road. No word yet on when.
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